At Kiddie Junction Educational Institute, we work hard to make sure your child gets the best early childhood education possible. We truly value and appreciate the testimonials we receive from parents and want to share them with you.

To Ms. Robin and Ms. Lisa
I would just like to start off by saying I should have done this last year, when Faith was in the four’s room. Mrs. Thess and Miss Jolly are absolutely wonderful teachers. Faith had such a wonderful time in the fours room-she absolutely adores Mrs. Thess, and an even better time at camp with Mrs. Jolly.
This year they have Jada in their class. Jada was so afraid to even guess a number or a letter. She would even cry at the thought of writing a letter. Even at home she would do the same thing! She lacked the confidence in knowing that she indeed can do it! Mrs. Jolly and Mrs. Thess started working one on one with the students, which I don’t see how they find the time to do so! And little by little Jada has blossomed and is now able to write her name, and identify letters and numbers. I cannot thank these ladies enough.
I would also like to point out another teacher who always keeps me in the look with Faith’s progress. Miss. Kiera does a fantastic job making lessons interesting for the kids. I love hearing all about them when I pick Faith up, who might I add yells at me for coming to get her too early! That is how you know you have a wonderful establishment, when the children don’t want to leave. I am also very happy you added Mr. Christian to the after school program. Kids can be ruthless sometimes and Miss. Kiera did everything she could to manage that classroom. Mr. Christian has definitely helped!
I could honestly go on and on about everyone I come in contact with. I am always greeted by smiles and hellos. I have never once felt unwelcomed at Kiddie Junction. You are all amazing! Thank you all for everything that you do.
To Ms. Lisa
We came across Kiddie Junction during covid after our little boy was sent home from his home-care location. Ms. Lisa met with us, walked us through the facility, and introduced us to all the teachers and staff. The place is a wonderland – you have to see it to believe it. There is so much for the kids to do. I love that they have created a playhouse within a teaching institution. It is all about fun here. My kid comes home everyday happy and enthusiastic to show me his artwork and work sheets. That’s all I need to know my kid is in good hands.
Now I have joined the KJ parent teacher organization and I have found a new group of friends. We have
a little too much fun but work hard too. KJ is not just a safe place to have
your kid stay at for 8 hours, it becomes family. We wouldn’t have our kid
anywhere else.

As my daughter gets closer to graduation from Kiddie Junction, I have taken time to reflect on all the great things she has accomplished in her 6 years here at Kiddie Junction for day care and education. When Natalie first started Kiddie Junction, she was only four months old. As a working mom, I couldn’t take any more time off, and I immediately fell in love with KJ when I came for a visit and a tour. As an infant, Natalie was always in warm loving hands of the staff. I felt better knowing I could call at any time to check on her, and see how she was doing. I think that was more for my comfort than anything, but it’s nice to know that she was being loved.
Natalie was always a happy child, and as she progressed to the walkers, toddler’s class, I could see growth in her not only physically but I could tell she was learning from the teachers. Natalie would mimic sounds, gestures and her motors skills were getting stronger. In the Three’s room, Natalie matured as she was talking more, getting more independent, and continuing to grow. Her skills became sharper and she showed signs of really understanding early concepts. In the Fours room, Natalie blossomed. She was now sharpening her motor skills, the concepts of learning got more advanced and she had to think about how things really work. I could tell in her mind she was always trying to figure out why and how things worked.
Natalie made many friends at KJ through the years, and in the fours, she would come home to tell me all about what her friends and she did that day. Even when kids have moved on from KJ, she remembers them and still talks about the fun they had together. The Kindergarten program has really challenged Natalie to think and put all of the past years together. The level of learning is so well taught to the children through daily lessons, field trips and experiments. With the compassion, friendships, love and education she has been given at KJ, l know Natalie will do well in first grade.
The teachers and staff at KJ are like family to us. They know all the children there by name, not just the children in their classroom. They have been there for us, and given Natalie a safe environment to grow up in. They have provided warm meals and go above and beyond their duties, helping with extra programs such as Easter Breakfast, book fairs, Christmas programs, and of course my favorite, Parents Night Out.
Thank you to all of you at KJ for being our extended family.
~Carrie Cappa

When we first came for our tour at Kiddie Junction, I thought, “this seems like a good place for my daughter”, so we enrolled her. She started in the toddler room and within a couple of years her brother came along and started in the infant’s room. As time went by we got to know the teachers, interact with them and see everything they do with the kids. I was amazed and realized that this wasn‘t just a daycare, this place had become more of a school. The teachers have become a great next step in my children‘s education.
They do a lot of hands on, learning and stimulating activities, as well as play time for unwinding. I “LOVE” our teachers here at Kiddie Junction. I feel the teachers care for our children like if they were their own. Not only is there involvement with teachers, but we also have the smiles of Ms. Robin and Ms. Lisa when you walk into the door. They have been there for my family more as a friend than directors. I feel very comfortable talking to them with any concerns or problems I may have. The “OPEN DOOR POLICY” does exist here.
There isn’t just stuff for our kids but as parents we have lots to look forward too. From being part of the PTO and being involved with school fundraisers, our annual Christmas Show, and end of the year graduation, to the Kiddie Junction family picnic. Along with the shows there is the pasta dinner night, open house, picture days, breakfast with the Easter bunny and so much more. For parents who can’t really afford to get away due to no baby sitter, well no problem there, once a month the school provides a Parents Night Out on a Friday evening.
There is even something for the grandparents. But my favorite and most memorable day of all has been the mother’s day spa. The mother’s day spa is where your child treats you to a spa day, from getting your make-up done to a new hair-do, manicure, and a massage. There are lots of laughs and smiles when your little sees how beautiful they made mom look. I started off with “this seems like a good place for my daughter”, but now I know this has been the best place for our kids.
~The Rubio—Seabolt Family

As a working mother of a 15 month old it is my pleasure to give Kiddie Junction the highest of recommendations. My in-home nanny quit when my son was 7 months old, I had no idea what to do – there was no one else who could watch him. My husband and I interviewed day care after day care and were so disappointed… until we visited Kiddie Junction.
Unlike all the other daycare centers, KJ focuses on the needs of each individual child, places high priority on communication with parents, and not only cares for my son during the day, but EDUCATES him! He has learned so much in the last 8 months, and his verbal and social skills have developed immensely. It’s quite evident that he is given tons of individual attention, that the teachers spend time teaching sign language, verbal skills, social skills, and have helped develop him into the well-adjusted toddler he has become.
I thought I would be horribly nervous putting my only child in day care but KJ made the transition an easy one. I was welcomed every time I stopped by to visit or check on my son. After a week, I noticed that my son would smile and get so excited every time we walked in the door. The teachers are absolutely fantastic I wish I could take them home with me at the end of the day; my son is so enamored with them.
Every single employee, from the hands-on and creative director, to the on-site cooks, to the classroom teachers who are friendly, has open communication, and are patient. This is exactly the type of environment I wanted for my child and I’m so fortunate to have another “family” in Kiddie Junction. I would recommend KJ to any parent without pause – they are the BEST at what they do!
~Julie Neuleib (Carter. 15 months)

I have been part of the Kiddie Junction family for the past 19 years. I am both a parent and an employee. I have not only had the privilege of watching both of my children beloved, nurtured and well educated through this program. I have also had the privilege of watching many children do the same. I believe the teachers here share my same philosophy that all children should be respected and treated the way I expect my own children to be treated while I’m working.
The environment at Kiddie Junction is set up for exploration, learning and fun. I feel the beginning years are critical for children and Kiddie Junction made a huge difference in both of my children’s lives. The minute you enroll, you know you are now part of the Kiddie Junction Family.
~The Szplit Family (children ages 19 and 10)
I will say this. The door was always open and it never closed. My children were always well fed, well-educated and so were the parents. The teachers are the best! As I write this yee, I have a tear in my eye because I cannot thank all of you for all you do for the kids and the parents. I guess that is why I cannot stay away.
~Nancy J. O’Toole
Des Plaines, IL

I have been in the Kiddie Junction family for over 8 years. I have 4 children, ages 9, 6, 2 and 5 months old. My 2 older ones still attend for school breaks and summer camp. I would never put my children in any other daycare. I trust every single person who works at the facility with all my children. It is a very clean, friendly and family oriented atmosphere.
I have recently changed employment and one of my requisitions in finding a new place to work was that I could still be close enough for them to stay at Kiddie Junction. I would recommend them to anyone.
~Gina Gonzalez Saiger (Andre, Michael, Zachary & Angelina)
Wheeling, IL

As a teacher as well as a parent of a child that attends Kiddie Junction, I have nothing but great things to say from both ends of the spectrum. Kiddie Junction has a fundamental learning environment for children of all ages. From the teaching perspective, I give my all to my classroom on a daily basis and provide learning experiences to meet the individual needs of all of the children in my classroom.
I began working at Kiddie Junction as an after school aide in high school. This continued through graduation and ended up as a full time position to which my current title still stands. At the time I became pregnant with my son, there was no doubt about whether or not I would feel comfortable leaving my infant son with the Kiddie Junction staff. That was over 7 years ago and my son is currently in the 2nd grade. Kiddie Junction played an active role in aiding in the guidance and structure that are needed for good learning.
I can easily say that throughout his years attending Kiddie Junction, there was nothing less than warmth, positive guidance, and encouraging learning experiences to help him to grow into the young man he is today. He continues to thrive at school till this day and I have nothing but thanks to give. I can only base the love for teaching the kids in my classroom for them to have just a little taste of what my son had and hope that they can carry these experiences of being a part of our school forever with them.
~Ms. Kristen Lauletta ( Jake Age 7)

I am the parent of three children ages 14, 11, and 5. I am also at special education teacher and have previously worked in preschools and day cares. When I moved back to the Chicago land area with my 1st two children I needed a center for them, I knew the requirements for child care centers and kept them in mind along with price, curriculum, and caring for children when I went looking.
I researched and visited 18 centers in the areas around where I was living including Kiddie Junction. I was appalled at what was passing for preschool in some places. I won’t even go into some of the things I was told or saw at other places. I was instantly impressed with the look and feel of Kiddie Junction. There was so much to do at the school; everyone was so involved with the kids. I filled out the paperwork and my 2 children, then 1 and 3 year olds, started. It took only a short while for my children and I to fall in love with the teachers, and the school.
It would regularly take me 30 minutes to get me children to leave as they got older. As I have always told the teachers and other parents, I would rather have them go to a school where they want to stay and can’t wait to get to in the morning, then not wanting to go to school and zooming out the door as soon as they see me because they can’t wait to leave. It says a lot about the way they spend their time during the day.
My children got older as they tend to do. I became more involved and joined the Parent Teacher Organization, eventually holding various board positions through the years. My oldest daughter reached kindergarten age. I looked into sending her to our local kindergarten program. It was a half day kindergarten, meaning that I would have to send her to before and after school (as well as the afternoon program somewhere). When I priced out transportation to and from the program to the kindergarten and the cost of the afternoon program including before and after school care, it was more expensive than keeping her at Kiddie Junction for kindergarten. Plus, unlike the other program that was offered by my home school district, she would be doing school stuff from 8:30 — 4 daily, not just being “babysat”. Decision made.
My oldest daughter graduated from the kindergarten program and went to 1st grade. Her teacher asked me only a week or so into the school year where she went to kindergarten, when I asked her why, she replied, “She is much farther ahead than the children who went to kindergarten here.” She was already reading and doing more advanced math than the other kids in her class. The small class size at Kiddie Junction and the amazing teachers are attributed with that.
Next came my son, He has special needs that were discovered after he had started at Kiddie Junction. The staff was concerned and helpful in dealing with the special care that he needed. They were honest and informed me when he was having difficulties. Although my son was unable to go the entire program at Kiddie Junction, I am thankful for the professionalism and caring they showed our family as we learned more about his needs and they tried to accommodate them.
So, I thought I was done. Then I got pregnant with my third child, long after my second left KJ. I had no crib, no baby clothes, no bottles, what I did have was a plan. When people asked what I was going to do with the baby when I went back to work I didn’t even have to think about the answer. I had already called Robin shortly after I found out I was pregnant and had her hold a spot for my new little one.
So here we remain, until this one ages out, probably after she can no longer go to summer camp, the Kiddie Junction staff have become more than my children’s 1st teachers, they have become family. This family is who I want taking caring of my kids while I’m at work and can’t be with them.
~The Lange Sarver Family
Kiddie Junction has always been home!

I will always be thankful for the safe and loving care, the education (socially, emotionally, scholastically), and the creative and nurturing environment that was the everyday foundation to my son’s childhood.
If I were to have my child spend his time away from me while I was at work, I could not have asked for a better representation of how beautiful this world can be. We have been a part of Kiddie Junction’s family from infancy through kindergarten and beyond, continuing wonderful summer days at Kiddie Junction’s For Kids Only Summer Camp with our best friends and counselors!
There is no other place like Kiddie Junction, unless you count childhood memories with family and friends! Cheers to Ms. Robin and her amazing teachers and camp counselors! (And we can’t wait for summer!!!)
~ The Rossi Family
We look forward to meeting you and your child!
Call us now at 847-827-5415 or stop in today and find out how
Kiddie Junction can make the most of your child’s early learning years!
Putting Early Education on the Right Track!