We are THE ONLY PRIVATE CHILD CARE Center having a Parent Teacher Organization for the past 20 years! The PTO meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from 5pm-6pm and are responsible for the two shows each year, fundraising, Box Tops Contests each month, Easter Bunny Breakfast, Pasta dinner , Family Bowling, KJ Picnic, 4th of July Floats and participation each month at a different restaurant with the proceed of the meals going to our PTO Fund. Come and join in on the fun! Get to know what is going on at your child’s school before it happens.

Our Objectives for our Parent Teacher Organization are:
• To interest and involve the parents in Kiddie Junction programs
• To educate the parents concerning the school’s philosophy, curriculum and child-rearing techniques.
• To emphasize the importance of the role of the parent
• To develop an understanding between home and school
• To provide an opportunity for parent with common concerns to meet each other and share experiences
• To develop friendships among parents
• To raise funds for special programs at Kiddie Junction
Our definition of our PTO is:
The PTO, though organized and run by parents, is directly responsible to the Director of Kiddie Junction. The PTO in no way runs the school, makes policies, or otherwise assumes any of the administrative functions of the school. All functions, plans, programs undertaken by the PTO will be evaluated by the Director as to whether they fall into the boundaries of the school policies and goals.
PTO Board:
We look forward to meeting you and your child!
Call us now at 847-827-5415 or stop in today and find out how
Kiddie Junction can make the most of your child’s early learning years!
Putting Early Education on the Right Track!